Ovum Pick Up [OPU]

     Assalamualaikum. Agak sibuk kebelakangan ini. Kemaskini blog sudah tidak serancak macam dulu. Ada komitmen kepada kerja lain. Pada 16 Mei 2013, berkesempatan untuk menyaksikan sendiri proses mengambil ovum dari bilik pembedahan. 'Pengetua', Makmal Andrologi dan Emriologi, Bahagian Reproduksi Manusia minta datang awal pada sehari sebelum ini. Katanya, hari esok [hari kejadian] adalah operation terakhir sebelum bilik bedah dan makmal ditutup untuk proses pembersihan.

     Ini adalah yang diambil dari laman sesawang berkenaan definisi, prosedur dan lain-lain. Em, nak tukar dari Bahasa Inggeris kepada Bahasa Melayu nie agak rumit, susah sikit. Karang terjemah balik, lain maksud yang nak disampaikan.

OPU – Ovum pick up - collection of the ovum

The ovum pick up is a procedure performed under a short total anaesthesia in the gynaecologic position with a long needle introduced through the vagina, all this under ultrasound control.
Using the needle, the gynaecologist aspirates the follicular liquid from the follicles, which is handed over in a test tube to an embryologist in the laboratory. The embryologist finds the ovum in the liquid and adds it to the partner’s sperm, which had been provided by the partner on the collection day by means of masturbation. Thus the conditions for fertilisation are created.
If it is necessary to perform ICSI, the embryologist introduces the partner’s sperms by the micro needle into the ovum.
The whole intervention takes 10-15 minutes and already in the operating theatre you are waken up and transported to the ward, where you stay for 2 hours after the performance. During this time you are under the supervision of an anaesthesiologic nurse and a doctor. If you feel well, you may leave after the two hours, being accompanied.
Regime after OPU
After the ovum collection you will apply the medicaments for the promotion of corpus luteum and for quality improvement of the endometrium according to the doctor’s prescription.
Every day you may inform yourself by phone in the CAR of how your embryo development proceeds. Approximately on 3 rd day after OPU the embryo transfer (ET) follows; the fecundated ovum is transferred into the cavum uterus. In case of the lengthened cultivation the embryos are transferred between 4th - 6th day after the OPU.

     Ini adalah serba sedikit penerangan tentang perkara berkaitan. Nak jelaskan ikut bahasa sendiri, takut lagi keliru. Okay, kita tengok video ya untuk apa OPU dibuat, bagi lebih faham macam mana.

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