Pharmacology and Toxicology Tutorial

1. Define Pharmacology (2 marks)

2. Define Pharmacokinetics ( 2 marks)

3. Describe drug development phase ( 6 marks)

4. Distinguish between suspension and emulsion drug. ( 4 marks)

5. Distinguish between ointment and cream ( 4 marks)

6. Discuss the merits of sustained release preparation ( 4 marks)

7. Differentiate between parenteral and enteral administration method and give an example of each procedure ( 4 marks)

8. List THREE (3) most common injection methods. Describe how each method being conducted, site of injection and pros and cons of each procedure ( 15 marks)

9. Explain drug ionization concept in treating acid drug toxicity ( 5 marks)

10. Elaborate process involved in phase I and II metabolism ( 6 marks)

11. What is function of Cytochrome P450 in human? Explain in details induction and inhibition of cytochrome P-450 enzymes theories. ( 6 marks)

12. Write a short note about factors that manipulate drugs absorption and distribution process ( 15 marks)

13. What is blood brain barrier? ( 3 marks)

14. How plasma proteins regulate concentration of drug in the body? (4 marks)

15. Explain principle of drug action ( 6 marks)

16. Discuss in details mechanism of drug action ( 10 marks)

17. With the help of graph, state information that can be obtained from drug concentration in blood versus time (6 marks)

18. What are potency and efficacy ( 4 marks)

19. Define tolerance. Explain THREE (3) types of tolerance ( 10 marks)

20. What is polypharmacy? (2 marks)

21. State the formula for bioavailability (2 marks)

22. What is Volume of Distribution (Vd) ( 2 marks)

23. State the formula for calculation of half life (2 marks)

24. Write a short note regarding first order kinetic and zero order kinetics ( 6 marks)

25. Write a short note differentiating synergism effects and antagonisms effects ( 6 marks)

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